Saturday 6 April 2013

Color Theory Part 2

What can be said in general about warm colors?
The warm colors are red,orange and yellow. Warm colors are bright and vivid. In art, warm colors are often used to make something stand out and draw attention. Emotions or things when you see warm colors are the sun, fire and anger.

What can be said in general about cool colors?
The cool colors are green, blue and purple. Cool colors are calm and smoothing. In art, cool colors can be used as background. Emotions or things when you see cool colors are  the ocean, water, winter , calm

Which color is associated with stability?
I think it is Blue which is associated with stability.As in blue color conveys importance and confidence without being somber or sinister, hence the power suit of the corporate world and the uniforms of many police officers.

Which color symbolizes royalty? 
Purple is royalty. A mysterious color, it is associated with both nobility and spirituality. 

Which is the color of cleanliness?
White is the color of cleanliness and coolness in advertising because it's the color of snow. It usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning.  

Which color symbolism freshness?
the color which symbolizes freshness is green. Abundant in nature, green signifies growth,renewal,health and environment. 

Which colors are associated with joy?
Yellow, Light- yellow, Light-red, Orange are colors associated with joy. They produce a warming effect,arouse cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity and generate muscle energy.

Which color symbolizes passion and danger? 
Red symbolizes passion for love and danger.Flashing red lights denotes danger or emergency. Stops signs and stop lights are red to get driver's attention and alert them to the  dangers of the intersection. 

Thursday 4 April 2013

Color Theory


Hue defines pure color in terms of green, red or magenta. Hue also defines mixtures of two pure colors like red-yellow (orange), or yellow-green.
Hue is usually one property of three when used to determine a certain color. 

Hue is a more technical definition of our color perception which can be used to communicate color ideas. 

Value is the lightness or darkness of a colour. the more white you add to a colour or hue,the lighter the value. When you add white to lighten a colour, it is called tint.The more black you add to a color, the darker the value. When you add black to a color to darken it, the resultant colour is then called a shade. If you add gray to a color,it  results in a tone.

Saturation is a color term commonly used by (digital / analog) imaging experts. 
Saturation is usually one property of three when used to determine a certain color and measured as percentage value. 

Saturation defines a range from pure colour (100%) to gray(0%) at a constant lightness level. A pure color is fully saturated. 
From a perceptional point of view saturation
 influence the grade pf purity or vividness  of a color/image. A desaturated image is said to be dull, less colorful or washed out but can also make the impression of being softer. 


Secondary colours are made by mixing equal parts of primary colours. For instance, green is a secondary colour made by mixing blue and yellow. Orange comes from mixing yellow and blue. Violet results from mixing blue and red. These colours are less strong than primaries., but they are more pleasing when mixed with white to a make a tint.


Tertiary colours are formed by mixing two secondary colors. for instance, combining green and orange make a wheat colour , while orange and violet make brick. Tertiary colours are sophisticated and add wonderful variety to a colour scheme.

Complementary colours are those which are opposite to each other on the colour wheel. Complements are red and green, blue and orange, or yellow and violet. Complementary colours neutralize each other when mixed together in equal amounts - making neutral grey. When a small amount of one colour is mixed into its complement, the resulting colour is a less intense, more pleasing version of that colour.

Colours that are related to each other are analogous. They are neighbors on the colour wheel and share a common colour. For example: blue-violet,violet and red-violet. They all contain red. The violet( a secondary colour) has been made by mixing red and blue ( both primary colours). The blue-violet and red-violet (both tertiary colours) have been made by mixing the secondary colour (violet) with the primary colours included in it's name.
They are analogous or relatives, because they all contain red. 

Tint is a color term commonly used by painters. A tint is a mixing resultant of an original color to which has been added white. If you tinted a color, you've been adding white to the original color. 
A tint is lighter than the original color. 

A shade is a mixing resultant of an original color to which has been added black. If you shaded a colour, you've been adding black to the original colour. A shade is darker than the original colour. 
When used as a dimension of a colour space, shade can be the amount added to an original colour. In such a colour space pure colour would be non-shaded.

Neutral means usually white. Neutral colours such as beige, ivory, taupe, black, gray and white appear to be without color, and yet in many applications these hues often have undertones of color.