Saturday, 21 December 2013

Outdoor painting

Hey everyone! This would be my last post for this semester.I am done with Foundation  but yes I will make sure of updating this blog with my other art work.

 It was one great year working with Ms.Lisa and my classmates. I will miss all of them. I'm flying back next week,to my home town for 3 months vacation. Once I get settle down there in Srilanka, I will work on few stuff and make sure to update.

So yes! this was our last piece of art work. We had to paint on 2 canvases, a 50 x 60cm and a 60 x 90cm one, to 2 types of music playlist, a classical one and contemporary one. 

I preferred the classical music. The paintings below was done by me.

Thursday, 12 December 2013

What I do during my free time!

Batik!!!!!!! (TRIP)

This would be one of the last post of mine. We are almost done with our semester. Foundation in Design is done for the year.

So...We were asked to come up with a story or something interesting to work on our batik. We did come up with few ideas but Ms.Lisa said that the four of us Kashwini, Afiqah,Lisa and myself can do something better. So I came up with an idea , which is to do under water creatures.

Under water creatures such as turtles, octopus, jelly fish, star fish and also sea weeds.

We did some research,

Underwater sea creatures 

                                                                          Sea weeds

Shades of blue in underwater 

What we did at class and at the batik shop,

My girls and I working on our sketch

Our sketch

My sketch 

Our batik after painting

At presentation

My batik :D

A clip of my class batik work

Batik - What is batik?

Batik is both an art and a craft, which is becoming more popular and well known in the West as a wonderfully creative medium. The art of decorating cloth in this way, using wax and dye, has been practised for centuries. In Java, Indonesia, batik is part of an ancient tradition, and some of the finest batik cloth in the world is still made there. The word batik originates from the Javanese tikand means to dot.
To make a batik, selected areas of the cloth are blocked out by brushing or drawing hot wax over them, and the cloth is then dyed. The parts covered in wax resist the dye and remain the original colour. This process of waxing and dyeing can be repeated to create more elaborate and colourful designs. After the final dyeing the wax is removed and the cloth is ready for wearing or showing.
Contemporary batik, while owing much to the past, is markedly different from the more traditional and formal styles. For example, the artist may use etching, discharge dyeing, stencils, different tools for waxing and dyeing, wax recipes with different resist values and work with silk, cotton, wool, leather, paper or even wood and ceramics.
Batik is historically the most expressive and subtle of the resist methods. The ever widening range of techniques available offers the artist the opportunity to explore a unique process in a flexible and exciting way.

The tool and wax 

How is it being used!

The dye used for painting

Batik paintings,

"What's the square?" an exhibition held at the COD Gallery

Hi everyone!

Remember the cut-outs I did? Hope you all do remember! Any ways we had and exhibition for the cut-outs done by my batch mates and myself and our juniors. It was a great event. There were quite alot of visitors to the gallery and was amazed with our work. We hanged our cut-outs all around the gallery and it looked beautiful.

A small clip of our exhibition. :)

Saturday, 9 November 2013

My Monogram...

Quote of the day: 

So here we go.............................................................................................................................!!!

My monogram stencil

A designed stencil cut out

Shots taken during working on mine and my friends monograms...

  I used spray paint, spray mount for few and for the rest fabric paint. The colors I chose to represent myself Pink shades and purple. 

A silver pencil case

A black shiny form

Pink color night wear slippers

A colorless file

A light yellow color towel

A multi baby colour accessory box

Six beautiful items with my monogram on it...

I was really happy with the out come of my hard work. My friends too liked it. Miss. is was also happy with my work.Again I feel so proud of what I have done.