Sunday 5 May 2013

Group Assignment:Color Theory ( Building a Zoetrope) Part III (Final Day/Presentation)

Last Monday was our Presentation Day for Color Theory. We were all in our Design Lab by 8 am and getting sorted out whether everything was placed correctly and ready to present it to the others.

We all did our work with so much of effort and it ended up well as we wanted it to be. Not only my group but the other groups aswell. All did a great job and our lecturer Ms. Lisa was pleased with our work. everyone were really happy with what they did. So did I. I was not well but yes I did help my group to sort out with everything and did the drum. Animation was done by Aina, Annabel and Hidaya. Atiqah, Jin Han and I did the drum.

Here are some pictures which was taken at our presentation. :)

                                     Annabel, Me, Hidaya and Ms. Lisa holding on to
                                               Annabel's animation reel.

                                     One of our group member made rice dumpling dolls
                                      that was sewed according to the colour wheel and it
                                    represented each of the member in our group.
                                      By the way I am the purple one. :P :)

                Everyone waiting for Ms. Lisa

                                        Mr.Charles also came to look at models.

                                      Jamie's group did the balloon tunnel.

                                           The other part of the balloon tunnel.

                                             Model done by Jean's group.

                                          Fariz's group prsented cupcakes! :)

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