Thursday 12 December 2013

Batik!!!!!!! (TRIP)

This would be one of the last post of mine. We are almost done with our semester. Foundation in Design is done for the year.

So...We were asked to come up with a story or something interesting to work on our batik. We did come up with few ideas but Ms.Lisa said that the four of us Kashwini, Afiqah,Lisa and myself can do something better. So I came up with an idea , which is to do under water creatures.

Under water creatures such as turtles, octopus, jelly fish, star fish and also sea weeds.

We did some research,

Underwater sea creatures 

                                                                          Sea weeds

Shades of blue in underwater 

What we did at class and at the batik shop,

My girls and I working on our sketch

Our sketch

My sketch 

Our batik after painting

At presentation

My batik :D

A clip of my class batik work

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