Tuesday 20 August 2013

Project continuation......

We and the other group presented our design to our Lecturer Ms.Lisa. She did like all of ours ideas and was so pleased to see how much of effort we put on this project. We had thought beyond the limit and now it's time for us to reduce the ideas and sketches and confirm on 1 topic and concern about it.

After the discussion with our lecturer we came up with a final plan..

The final  product is making Malaysia flag by canvases surrounding by lanterns as well little objects symbolizing Malaysia. The canvases are going to be painted according to its color by using various techniques to show the flow of our emotions and creativity. The canvases will be floating on plastic bottles because plastic bottles are easy to be found as it is a recycling item and it also reduces the cost of the project. Whereas floating lantern or the other objects will be floating on Styrofoam. Here are few sketches about the canvas concept. We were divided into 4 groups according to the colors in the flag. I  was in the blue group. 

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